Escucha «Goodbye Song»

El último tema publicado de mi proyecto en solitario.


I had to learn how to save my words
Keep them away from you
A long time ago

I had to keep to myself what I thought
Learned from you how to show a face
And to let it go

Tried to hold on
Tried to hold on
To a vessel that was barely afloat
Tired of holding on
Tired of holding on
To a leaf in a storm

Now that you are mist at dawn
I no longer had to hide
Behind the curtains of the time and rust

And see the sunshine on a brand-new day
A day I thought it’ll never come
So now I can say goodbye to you
I’m gone

Tried to hold on
Tried to hold on
To a vessel that was barely afloat
Tired of holding on
Tired of holding on
To a leaf in a storm

Oh… Hold on
So long


David Falcón. Voces, guitarra, teclados y producción.
Jesús Caramés. Batería.
Rubén Iglesias: Bajo eléctrico.
Borja Torrado: Teclados y producción.

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